
The Métis Nation carries deep cultural ties to lands and waters across the Homeland and shares a kinship to, and respect for, complex and diverse ecosystems. The relationship to the land guides teachings on how to trap, hunt, fish, gather medicines and practice the Métis way of life. Through our Conservation Program, MNC supports Governing Members with advocacy, policy analysis and program development that advances Métis-led conservation and restoration of lands and waters. Programs like the establishment of Métis Protected and Conserved Areas, the Métis Guardians Program, and the protection and recovery of culturally important species, and species-at-risk are all areas that MNC is investing efforts to advance.

MNC also advocates on the international stage to ensure agreements, like the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), respect and affirm Indigenous rights, and advance the protection of nature.  

The wellbeing of the environment – the birds, fish, plants and animals, is deeply tied to the wellbeing of the Métis Nation. MNC advocates for policies and programs that support a Métis vision for conservation.