From the Office of President Cassidy Caron

September 23, 2024

In a week, my three-year term as President of the Métis National Council will conclude. Throughout those three years, I have consistently challenged myself and our team to envision and advance a bright future for our Métis people, built upon our shared history and the visions of our ancestors. I have worked tirelessly under the democratic direction of the MNC's General Assembly and Board of Governors to restore and reform the MNC as an organization that was created 41 years ago when Métis across the Homeland recognized the need to work together with a national voice to advance our inherent and constitutionally protected Métis rights.

Together, we have re-built the MNC into a transparent, accountable, and ethical organization. We have established and implemented processes that will help ensure the MNC aligns with and supports the evolving needs of our Métis Governments into the future. We have and will continue to work collaboratively with the Government of Canada to find solutions to the unique and ongoing challenges faced by Métis citizens. We have restored pride in being Métis and re-introduced Canadians to the vision of the Métis Nation.

Despite this collective work and the numerous reforms to better serve the Métis Nation, we seem to be at a crossroads. Individual Métis governments are now choosing to work independently. While this is their right and I respect their decision to turn their attention to their own affairs, I also believe there will always be more strength through unity and standing together as one Métis Nation. Solidarity was and always will be the Métis way.

I believe that some leaders have forgotten about our greater responsibility to each other and to nationhood.

The unity we are striving for is being divided by the self-interest, impatience, and ambitions of a few, rather than the collective aspirations or values of our people. The need for a strong national voice, collaborative engagement, and respectful dialogue between all Métis has not and will not change.

When the Manitoba Métis Federation withdrew from the MN three years ago, we implemented a successful plan that saw our remaining Governing Members work together to be that voice. Once again, I have proposed a promising way forward for the MNC's ongoing existence, reform, and success following the decision of the Métis Nation - Saskatchewan's leadership to go its own way. Ultimately, though, as has been the case throughout my presidency, it will be the democratic will of the remaining council members that determines the MNC's pathway forward.

Whatever is decided, I - like so many others - remain committed to our ancestors' visions to work respectfully with one another through the challenges that face us and stand together for a better shared Métis future that many of our ancestors gave their lives for; that bright future that all Metis people deserve. I challenge us all to make our ancestors' dreams and our own dreams come true.


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Cassidy Caron
President, Métis National Council