The Métis National Council (MNC) has travelled to New York City to take part in the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Delegates included representatives from the Métis National Council and its Governing Members.
“To have another opportunity to represent the Métis National Council at this meeting of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is something I do not take lightly. For forty years, the MNC has been the national and international voice of the Métis Nation, and I am looking forward to bringing Métis perspectives once again. To have the opportunity to host an event on Indigenous Voices and Legislation this year provides another chance to speak about the importance of ensuring the Métis Nation’s participation in the legislative and policy processes both domestically and internationally.”
The theme of this year’s UNPFII is “Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health, and climate change: a rights-based approach”. This is particularly relevant to the Métis Nation, as the health of Indigenous Peoples is inseparable from the health of their territories and the planet as a whole. The Métis Nation has an intimate connection with their homeland, and the well-being of citizens is directly tied to the health of these territories.
"The right to a healthy environment is a fundamental human right that is essential for the realization of other rights, such as the right to health and the right to cultural identity. The Permanent Forum provides an avenue for the Métis Nation to advocate for the recognition and protection of the rights of Métis people and their territories, working towards a more sustainable and just future for all."
While attending these meetings, President Caron, Métis Government Presidents, and officials will be meeting with Indigenous representatives from outside of Canada, Canadian representatives as well as foreign dignitaries to advance the priorities of the Métis Nation. The focus of these meetings will be to share Métis Nation experiences, challenges, and best practices on human health, planetary and territorial health, and climate change. The delegation will also advocate for the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives and experiences in efforts to achieve the enhanced participation of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations.